Thursday, January 5, 2023

Best Gemstone to wear during Shani Sade Sati

Sade Sati is a period of planetary transit that is believed to have an impact on a person's life. It is said to occur when Saturn (Shani) transits through the twelfth, first, and second houses from the moon sign. Some people believe that certain gemstones can help alleviate the challenges and difficulties that may be associated with sade sati.

Shani Sade Sati effect of three phases:-

First Phase:

The theory is that head and neck of the individual are affected during this stage and it has a negative impact on health and financial situation. Alongside stress and anxiety sleep problems develop. This can have a negative effect on the marriage life.

Second Phase:

The second phase is described as during this stage, the individual is faced with issues with his family and finances within his own life. The relatives' cause problems and the person may need to travel long distances away from family. Alongside physical illnesses as well as mental anxiety. It requires more effort than normal to complete even a simple job, but there's no chance of being successful. Friends, and family members all go away from his side.

Third Phase:

It's believed that in this stage, the pleasures and comforts of the individual end. There is a huge expenditure of rupees. Business and jobs all are at a standstill. It is necessary to deal with health issues. The arguments with children are more frequent. If there is no child and there are disagreements between the husband and wife increase.

The planet Saturn requires two and one-half years to move from one zodiac to the next. On the other hand, the first phase of Sade Sati is painful for the people of Sagittarius, Taurus, and Leo. Whereas the second phase is not considered good for Leo, Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, or Scorpio, and the third phase is not considered good for Gemini, Aquarius, Libra, Scorpio, or Pisces. If there is an effect of Shani Sade Sati or Dhaiya on your zodiac, then the effects of Sade Sati or Shani Dosha can be reduced by the measures taken on Saturday.

Remedies for Shani Sade Sati
The best gemstone to wear during sade sati will depend on your individual horoscope and the specific challenges that you are facing. However, it is generally recommended to wear a Blue Sapphire (Neelam) or a Hessonite Garnet (Gomed) You also can wear Carnelian, during this period, as these stones are associated with Saturn and are believed to provide strength, stability, and support.

It is also important to keep in mind that gemstones should be worn after consulting with a qualified astrologer and having the stone properly energized (also known as "purified" or "activated") by a knowledgeable practitioner. Wearing an improperly chosen or prepared gemstone can potentially do more harm than good.

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