Showing posts with label and jade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label and jade. Show all posts

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Crystal Therapy - Crystals and Astrology

Crystal Therapy

This therapy originates from a belief that every living organism has a "vibration energy system" also known as aura. Energizing the Chakras in our body can increase the positive vibrations making us spiritually aware, channeling energy, and increasing our well-being. When crystals come in contact with our body they influence our human energy field and can safely be used as an alternative healing system. There are a huge number of crystals to choose from, depending on factors like color, chemical composition, atomic structure, etc. Depending on the need a particular crystal is used to create a healthy balance of energy. The therapy focuses on three different functions i.e. move, absorb, direct, or diffuse energy; the end result is the disbalance of energy in our body gets restored to a natural state of well-being.

The belief behind crystal therapy is that individual stones such as amethyst, rose quartz, and jade have the ability to communicate with the energy flow of the human body and help to realign the energy channels that are interrupting the natural flow of the body and help it heal itself.

Crystals and Astrology

Astrologers spend several years interpreting natal charts of transits and progression. For many, astrology is a means of personal development and growth. Astrology uses the wonderful world of crystals to provide remedies for the malefic effect of planets. Each crystal has its unique healing property which is unwrapped only to those who have an in-depth knowledge about the same or those who have seen the miracle of crystal healing in their personal life. Belief is all about experience and for those who do believe crystals can create magic. 
Some of its benefits include:- 
  • Increase in intuitional powers
  • Relieving the stress of mind and body
  • Infuse a general sense of well-being.
  • Certain crystals enhance energy
  • Crystals are also used in meditation.
  • Make one feel vibrant and alive yet calm and tranquil.

There are no general guidelines about what crystal will suit you, so it's best to consult an expert. There is a special crystal for each individual, depending upon one's birth chart and the placement of planets in it. This is why we see that each of us gets attracted to a particular crystal and not others. So there is a close relationship between crystals and our lives, likes -and dislikes, and horoscope.