Showing posts with label Rehman Gemstone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rehman Gemstone. Show all posts

Monday, July 10, 2023

Gem Therapy - Rehman Gemstone - Amethyst, Aquamarine,Cat's Eye, Coral, Emerald, Jade, Lapis Lazuli (Lajward), Black Onyx,Opal, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire

Gem therapy is an alternative form of healing. Practitioners of this therapy believe that gemstones carry certain vibrations, which when placed within a person's aura, have the effect of changing it. It is believed that the human aura consists of nine colors, namely: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, infrared, and ultraviolet. Any deficiency of these colors upsets the body's energy balance leading to illness. Gemstones heal by restoring the balance to the original composition of the nine colors.

GEMSTONES THERAPY AND PLANETS – Planetary gems provide complete therapeutics for all diseases afflicting human beings, used on the same principles; the therapy will be equally applicable to diseases in animals and birds.

Gems are inexhaustible mines of cosmic colors: gems radiate their rays wherever they are. They release their cosmic chromic rays very easily under certain conditions as will be seen later.

Our body is also made up of these cosmic chromic rays. Maintenance of perfect health is due to the balance of these rays. Imbalance in VIBGYOR will produce various diseases, gems by their property of releasing these colors very easily cure the diseases by balancing. Gems have original, single unmixed colors, manufactured by nature due to cohesion under tremendous pressures.

Gems are said to cure diseases and bring fortune and the gems were in use in our system of medicine. The gems were converted into ashes (Bhasma) to be used with other ingredients. Topaz or Pushparaga, which is yellow, it is said, changes, its color when the wearer is under ailment. Ibin Batuta has said that Saturn has blue rays. Sapphire is his gem and it stores the qualities of Saturn. If it is worn, the evil of Saturn (in any horoscope) could be minimized. Every gem reflects or emits only its own rays. But the diamond is an exception which emits the whole band of seven colors. Let us see the various uses of the gems.
The results in treatment are just mathematical and not hit or miss.
There are two modes of treatment:- Healing in the presence of the person, where the patient is given preparations for oral treatment.
Absent healing or distant healing or teletherapy, where the rays of the gems are broadcast over the photographs, saliva, or blood drops taken on the blotting papers or the signatures of the patients, by rotating the gems by electric motors or by radio cone vibrators. The rays travel to the person concerned wherever he is, with the velocity of light, and envelope him so long as the electric motors or the cone vibrators are kept moving. The process of healing is thus affected. The scientific proof of this is explained as under: take a prism. See the white light or the Sun’s light through it. The white light will be refracted and will be seen as emerging in the form of beautiful rainbow colors. Now examine with the prism the gems representing the planets.

Gemstone Wearing and Installing Methodology

Placing the gemstone in close proximity to the place of sleeping or sitting has a greater effect. For example, placing a pyramid made of natural red jade gemstone in the South or Southwest direction of a dwelling activates the Muladhara Chakra. Parad, Lapis Lazuli, and Sphatik in the North direction give positivity, creativity, and spirituality.

Gemstone when placed on the body gives more effect to the wearer. It is better to wear a gemstone along with the planetary metal as per an individual native chart. For example, wearing a ruby ring made of gold can be worn on the ring finger to attain name, fame, and success. Wearing the same colored clothing or sympathetic colors as the gemstone enhances its effect. Wearing a gemstone on the skin also aids in opening the blocked Chakras in the body through color therapy.

Thyroid-Yellow Sapphire 

• Athol, Cat., eye 

• Diabetes Ruby 

• Blood pressure- Emerald 

• Migraine- MR Sapphire 

• Sinus- Blue Sapphire 

• Fedility Issues-Pearl 

Some Gemstones and their Healing Properties 

  • Amethyst Enhances spiritual awakening.
  • Aquamarine Clears the mind and balances emotions. 
  • Cats' Eye Enhances stability, willpower, courage, and wisdom.
  • Coral strengthens one, foundation.
  • Diamond Increases desire fulfillment. 
  • Emerald is useful for both physical and emotional healing.
  • Jade Creates a feeling of relaxation and calm and thus reduces tension. 
  • Lapis Good for establishing a connection between the head and the mind. 
  • Black onyx Helps to change bad habits.
  • Opal Broadens one's perspectives, enabling one to see all the possibilities in a situation.
  • Ruby Gives emotional balance and enables us to express our emotions better as well as soothes them.
  • Sapphire Provides mental clarity. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

All You Need To Know About Sapphire Gemstone


Dr. Sohini Sastri, the best astrologer in India, is known for her accurate prediction and effective guidance with vast knowledge of astrology and occult science. She is a KP Astrologer with 15+ years of experience in Vedic astrology, palmistry, Vastu, etc. 

Dr. Sastri is rewarded by the President of India, the Vice President of India, and the Governors of three states. She has written many books about astrology and is a regular columnist in many popular magazines and is a very popular face on different TV shows.  

Gemstones are something like a gift for people like us! In difficult situations, they can be a genuine healer and incredible help. The effect of gemstones can be followed for hundreds of years. The utilization of gemstones significantly expanded with time and has been a significant piece of Vedic astrology, as per the Best Astrologer in Kolkata. Gemstones are suggested based on one's zodiac sign and are very helpful for their wearer. The person who wears a gemstone can anticipate favorable luck and karma in each part of their life.  

Sapphire, in contrast to different gemstones, is additionally one of the most valuable, propitious, and lucky astrological remedies at any point given by an astrologer. Sapphire represents truth, dedication, earnestness, and strength. This gemstone is considered to improve one's development perspectives and brings shrewdness, satisfaction, harmony, and keenness to the existence of its wearer. This gemstone is accessible in various shapes and sizes. It shows moment impacts to the individual wearing it, guaranteeing gain in abundance, progress in proficient life, and congruity in private life. They are both useful in the mental and physical mending of a person. Get more subtleties for the empowered gemstones.  

The Yellow Sapphire:  

Yellow sapphire is related to the planet Jupiter and is accepted to acquire a superb fortune for the monetary existence of its wearer. Being quite possibly the most noticeable stone in Astrology, it has helped more than a million people on the planet by making a positive and canny way to deal with its environmental factors. This gemstone is incredibly advantageous for people who are unmarried, particularly young ladies. Hence, young ladies who are not getting hitched or not finding an ideal life accomplice can get help after wearing this gemstone. The Yellow sapphire can be worn as rings and pendants. Not just in the wake of wearing this gemstone, your psychological issues descend however it recuperates your physical sicknesses as well. Appreciate great physical strength, conjugal life, mental fulfillment and harmony, monetary thriving, and name and acclaim with Yellow Sapphire!  

The Blue Sapphire:  

Blue sapphire is one of the most grounded and successful gemstones in Vedic astrology. It is a gemstone for the planet Saturn and is utilized to battle against every one of the ill impacts of the Sade Sati and Saturn cycle in the existence of a person. This gemstone can give moment and powerful measures and champions as the ablest and speedy acting gemstones of all time. The gemstone has remedial powers and is fit for drawing out the best and wiping out illnesses by upgrading the nature of living of its wearer. It acquires energy and certainty and helps upgrade the efficiency of a person. Blue sapphire gemstone gets mental fortitude and clearness in your thinking handling making your character develop. It likewise helps in carrying extraordinary physical health to its locals. It is a profoundly best gemstone for Capricorns and Aquarius.  

The White Sapphire:  

A white sapphire gemstone is a magnificent remedy and compelling remedy to battle against all the chances and levels of the planet Venus in an individual's birth chart. It is accepted to upgrade and inspire the personal satisfaction of its wearer by fulfilling their desires and flourishing their monetary life. A white sapphire wearer partakes in the excellence, friendship, and appeal to its most. It is a suggested gemstone by the Best Astrologer in Kolkata, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Pakistan for people who are in business and media outlets. After wearing a white gemstone, an individual acquires certainty and fosters a superior and inspirational perspective toward life. It helps in eliminating fears and edifices, an individual has inside themselves.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

11 Gemstones that Bestow Good Luck, Transforming Your Life

11 Gemstones that Bestow Good Luck, Transforming Your Life

Everyone in this world wishes to get some lucky break. After all, in modern times, life has become an unending struggle and it may seem like nothing you try works. If you have tried your hand at a certain venture and failed, you know how demoralizing this feels can be and if you move to another thing and still find no success, life becomes more frustrating. Since the earliest civilization, man has tried seeking a solution to bad luck, in nature, and one of the areas of focus has been gemstones.

For centuries, people have believed that certain natural materials have the power to generate good energy and luck. If you always feel out of luck, it is time to go back to nature and find a solution in gemstones. These gemstones not only look good but wearing them also gives you positive energy, which is a great determinant of your success in life. Read on and find out more about these good-luck gems.


1. Peridot

This is called the money stone for a good reason. The crystal stone helps clarify your mind when thinking about wealth, and powers your brain to make the right choices. This stone increases willpower, well-being, and vitality. If you are after good luck in your moneymaking activities, it is time to start wearing Peridot jewelry.


2. Pyrite

This natural gem looks like gold and it has come to symbolize money, prosperity and good luck. Its radiating looks reflect those of the sun, and it connects you to the revitalizing energies of the sun. By wearing Pyrite jewelry, you will increase the power of the third solar Chakra and vitality. When in contact with your skin, the stone gives a zest for life, which is important when making decisions.

3. Amethyst

This is one of the most popular crystals for making alternative jewelry. However, you might not know that for a long time, people in areas where the stone originates, have always associated it with good luck. This gem brings harmony and restores balance in the toughest of situations. By connecting your intuition and inner voice, the stone boosts your decision-making process and inspires you to move on with vitality.

4. Citrine

This popular gemstone is popular among those who believe in the power of natural materials. It is the stone of prosperity, wealth, protection and good luck. It is believed that citrine keeps bad things away from your life and shines light into the toughest of situations.

5. Tiger’s Eye

If you have always wondered why people wear Tiger’s Eye jewelry, it is time to make a discovery. This is among the most common luck charms and it works. The lines on the gemstone indicate the many paths you can follow to success. It opens your eyes to the many opportunities that abound in your life.

6. Blue Kyanite

This is a stone of clarity and communication. In a world where opportunities require you to make a fast move, Kyanite jewelry is what you need to express your desires. It gives you that motivation and energy to actualize your dreams. It is a constant reminder to the wearer, to become assertive in every situation. You will find yourself always celebrating the decisions you have made.

7. Agate

When talking about good luck charms in the jewelry market, Agate always comes up in the discussion. It is one of the most powerful luck stones out there with its power coming from multiple quartz minerals that make it. This stone helps balance energies and at the same time attract good luck in your life especially in your finances.

8. Labradorite

This stone has a reputation in the world of magic due to its ability to transform an individual’s life. It boosts self-confidence and creativity to guide your life in the desired direction. Labradorite protects you from bad choices in life and strengthens your willpower.

9. Sapphire

Most people do not realize that Sapphires offer more than just beauty to the owner. The stone ignites the power to attract riches and helps recover lost wealth. It is a wisdom stone that will help you make the right choices in life.

This beautiful gem can easily blend into your gemstone diamond earrings to guarantee you look good and lucky. If you have discovered all your decisions have bad outcomes, it is time to invest in sapphire jewelry and wear it throughout to make better decisions.

10. Aventurine

Gamblers have revered this good luck stone for ages. It is the stone of opportunity and if you need good luck with your decision-making, you need to buy this jewelry and transform your life. It is one of the most powerful good luck gemstones for wealth. No wonder so many people wear it today.

11. Carnelian

This is a powerhouse for success and one of the luckiest good luck charms known to humans. Not only is this gemstone beautiful but it also brings courage, energy and creativity to anyone who wears it. If you always have fear making decisions in life, it is the time to invest in Carnelian jewelry and transform your life.

Other good luck gemstones worth mentioning include Malachite stone, Aura Spirit Quartz, Celestine crystals, Garnet, Clear Quartz, Amber crystals, black tourmaline and Ruby Crystals. These stones boost positive vibes in your mind to help enhance your decision-making and make you bolder in grabbing opportunities. If you have been feeling out of luck lately, it is time to get your groove back by wearing this good luck gemstones jewelry.



Wednesday, March 16, 2022

7 Most Powerful Stones to Attract Money and Success Like a Magnet

 In life, we all have tough financial times that may be hard to handle. Due to its unwanted fear and stress, it is more challenging to overcome. There are many reasons behind this, including business failures, employment loss and medical emergencies. Sudden and unexpected changes in circumstances can have a direct impact on your finances and lead to bankruptcy.

It is important to understand that change does not happen overnight! It requires time and effort. You must first figure out how to attract more money so you can beat the financial crisis. After that, things will follow accordingly.

There are many stones that attract money and wealth for us. But In most cases, our beliefs and mindsets limit us.

By using the right crystals, you can eliminate these blocks to wealth. You can also boost your self-confidence by using crystals for abundance to approach new and potentially profitable endeavors.

Did you ever consider wearing gemstones to attract money and wealth? Gemstones are more than just pretty pieces of crystal. It has powerful magical and healing properties, which can change a person’s entire life.

When it comes to luck and prosperity, gemstones are a great choice. Every gemstone has a unique way of bringing prosperity, which is sufficient for you to live happily after being hit by a financial crisis.

What are the best Stones to Attract Money?

1. Blue Sapphire
2. Peridot Stone
3. Yellow Sapphire Stone
4. Emerald Stone
5. Hessonite Garnet
6. Tiger's Eye
7. Malachite Stone

1. Blue Sapphire

An individual’s life is filled with challenges when Sade Sati begins. You can wear Blue Sapphire to remove Saturn’s malefic effect.

The planet’s negative influences are warded off by wearing Blue Sapphire. Furthermore, this stone increases wealth and can provide multiple sources of income for the wearer.

2. Peridot Stone

Due to its rich history of being used as a jewelry item by Egyptian Pharaohs, Peridot gemstone can generate wealth exponentially. To get out from debt, you should wear Peridot.

3. Yellow Sapphire Stone

Yellow sapphire are known as one of the strongest stones to attract money and success. It is said that wearing this gemstone will ensure luck and success in all endeavors.

It increases your profits and brings good fortune to your business. Therefore, it should be worn on the index finger for best results.

4. Emerald Stone

Emerald, also known as Panna, are the most beautiful gemstones on earth. You can use it to increase the flow of money into your home.

If you’re buying a property, this stone helps you to think deeply and make intelligent decisions.

5. Hessonite Garnet

By wearing a Garnet gemstone, you can forget all your financial troubles. Being ruled by Rahu, will free you from poverty as well as attract wealth.

It provides the wearer ability to earn money and direct their energy in the right direction.

6. Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s eye has a powerful ability to make dreams and intentions come true. When starting a new business, this will bring luck & money and also help you move ahead in your career.

Tiger’s eye is a great stone for keeping grounded and gaining wisdom regarding money, thanks to its dynamic combination of earth and solar energy.

It’ll help you to protect your assets while preventing you from becoming greedy.

This crystal is also known as a talisman of good fortune, which means it can bring in a lot of money if combined with other money-attracting crystals.

7. Malachite Stone

The deep green stone is excellent for removing negativity. As well as protecting against misfortune, it can also boost an individual’s wealth status.

A malachite stone can bring financial focus because it is an energy magnet. Money is a form of energy, so you can use malachite with it to focus.

Since ancient times, malachite has served as a stone of wealth for merchants due to its money-like color and reputation.

Keep in mind that you must purchase genuine gemstones from a reputable Indian online retailer after you have learned about the benefits of gemstones.

Unfortunately, many vendors have taken advantage of the growing popularity of gemstones by selling fake gemstones that can harm you and your life!

So, it would be best if you took maximum care to gain maximum profit from gemstones.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Hematite - Sang e Hadeed (The Earth Stone) Rehman Gemstone Whatsapp: 0336-5967647


During the Current Covid-19 situation, everyone suffering from depression and stress due to financial or domestic problems. "Hematite is the best stone for you". Hematite helps to absorb all negative energy and calm in times of stress apr worry. Hematite is a very protective stone and is great to carry to help you grounded in many situations. it's helping you to transform negative energies into a more positive vibration. Hematite is also available in magnetic and without magnetic stone. 

Large deposits of hematite are found in banded iron formations. Gray hematite is typically found in places that have still, standing water, or mineral hot springs, such as those in Yellowstone National Park in North America. 

China, Australia, Brazil, India, Russia, Ukraine, South Africa, and the United States are the world's leading producers of iron ore (includes hematite, magnetite, and other ores). Iron ore production in the United States occurs in Michigan and Minnesota.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Feroza (Turquoise)

Green Hussaini Feroza (Irani)

Shajari Feroza

Green Indian Feroza

Farang (Malachite)


Sang Sitara (Star Stone)



Tiger's Eye Gemstone, Tiger's Eye Tasbeeh, Tiger's Eye Bracelet


A stone of protection, Tiger's Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer. It has the power to focus the mind, promote mental clarity, and assist us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions. Particularly useful for healing psychosomatic illnesses, and dispelling fear and anxiety.


Tigers Eye is good for growing your confidence and strength and it is known as the stone of courage. It is a root and sacral chakra stone which means it helps you to get grounded, build a safe and strong foundation, and find your motivation once more. It's also good at warding off negative energy.

Who should wear tiger's eye?
What does tiger eye attract?
What Does Tiger's Eye Attract? Tiger's Eye attracts prosperity, good luck, and abundance in your life. The stone will also give you confidence and attract wealth. These golden stones are great if you want success through money flow, opportunities, and business growth.

Are Tigers eye good luck?
Image result for tigers eye benefits
Throughout human history, the tiger's eye or tiger eye stone has been considered a semi-precious gemstone by different groups across the world. Today, it is still prized for its beauty, as well as its ability to bring balance and good luck to the wearer's life.

What does tiger eye symbolize?
Tiger's eye is also commonly associated with protection from evil spirits. Several cultures use the gem to ward off the “evil eye”. As a result, the gemstone can be incorporated into protective altars or worn as a guardian talisman.

Who should wear tiger's eye?
Image result for tigers eye benefits
Which zodiac sign can wear the tiger eye stone? Tiger eye stone is the birthstone of the Gemini zodiac sign. It can also be worn by people with 2 and 7 as their lucky numbers/birth numbers.

How do you wear a tiger eye Ring?
The Tiger Eye ring when worn on the ring finger of the dominant hand gives confidence and is thought to bring good health. Any person irrespective of his or her zodiac sign can wear a Tiger Eye ring and attain the benefits of this powerful and protective stone.

Tiger's Eye

To eliminate the evil effects of the Sun, improve health, self-esteem, and courage
How to Wear:
in a gold or copper metal ring on the ring finger of your right hand
Bravery, Good Health, Self-Confidence, and Good Luck.

Tiger's Eye, Gemstone, Tiger's Eye, Tasbeeh, Tiger's Eye Bracelet and Iron Tiger's Eye are also available at Rehman Gemstone

Lapis Lazuli (Lajward) with it's Details | Rehman Gemstone 0336-5967647

Small and Large (available)

Lapis Lazuli

Black/Brown/ Yellow Yamani Aqeeq Flat


Extra Large 

What is the power of the Aqeeq stone?
It is known as a protection stone from the evil eye. Also believed as gives good luck to carriers. It gives wealth and helps to solve problems positively. It protects from physical and spiritual harm.

Sang e Maryam

Small Stone 
History of Sang-e-Maryam It is also called the Stone of Holy Maryum, because it is believed that Hazrat Maryum gave Birth to Hazrat Esa (a.s) on this stone. Stone is founded in India, Persia, Arabic cities. Benefits of Sang-e-Maryam If used by pregnant women, the birth pain would ease Men can used for the birth of male child Keep in the house for Peace