Showing posts with label Coral. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coral. Show all posts

Saturday, October 21, 2023

What is the color of coral gemstones? Can you use any other substitute for coral gemstones? Is it safe to wear coral gemstones in silver or gold, and what should be the weight of coral gemstones?

Coral gemstones, which are made from the calcium carbonate skeletons of marine animals called coral polyps, come in various colors, including red, pink, white, and black. The most common color associated with coral gemstones is red, but they can also be found in shades of pink, orange, and even blue.

Substitutes for coral gemstones can include red or pink gemstones such as carnelian, red jasper, or rhodochrosite. These stones are often used as alternatives due to their similar colors.

When it comes to wearing coral gemstones, they are typically set in either silver or gold jewelry. Both metals are safe for wearing coral gemstones, and the choice between silver and gold often depends on personal preference and budget.

The weight of the coral gemstone used in jewelry can vary based on the type of jewelry and the design. There is no strict rule for the weight of coral gemstones in jewelry, as it depends on the overall design, the size of the piece, and personal style preferences. It's essential to consult with a jeweler or a gemstone expert who can guide you on the appropriate size and weight for the specific jewelry piece you have in mind.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Gem Therapy - Rehman Gemstone - Amethyst, Aquamarine,Cat's Eye, Coral, Emerald, Jade, Lapis Lazuli (Lajward), Black Onyx,Opal, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire

Gem therapy is an alternative form of healing. Practitioners of this therapy believe that gemstones carry certain vibrations, which when placed within a person's aura, have the effect of changing it. It is believed that the human aura consists of nine colors, namely: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, infrared, and ultraviolet. Any deficiency of these colors upsets the body's energy balance leading to illness. Gemstones heal by restoring the balance to the original composition of the nine colors.

GEMSTONES THERAPY AND PLANETS – Planetary gems provide complete therapeutics for all diseases afflicting human beings, used on the same principles; the therapy will be equally applicable to diseases in animals and birds.

Gems are inexhaustible mines of cosmic colors: gems radiate their rays wherever they are. They release their cosmic chromic rays very easily under certain conditions as will be seen later.

Our body is also made up of these cosmic chromic rays. Maintenance of perfect health is due to the balance of these rays. Imbalance in VIBGYOR will produce various diseases, gems by their property of releasing these colors very easily cure the diseases by balancing. Gems have original, single unmixed colors, manufactured by nature due to cohesion under tremendous pressures.

Gems are said to cure diseases and bring fortune and the gems were in use in our system of medicine. The gems were converted into ashes (Bhasma) to be used with other ingredients. Topaz or Pushparaga, which is yellow, it is said, changes, its color when the wearer is under ailment. Ibin Batuta has said that Saturn has blue rays. Sapphire is his gem and it stores the qualities of Saturn. If it is worn, the evil of Saturn (in any horoscope) could be minimized. Every gem reflects or emits only its own rays. But the diamond is an exception which emits the whole band of seven colors. Let us see the various uses of the gems.
The results in treatment are just mathematical and not hit or miss.
There are two modes of treatment:- Healing in the presence of the person, where the patient is given preparations for oral treatment.
Absent healing or distant healing or teletherapy, where the rays of the gems are broadcast over the photographs, saliva, or blood drops taken on the blotting papers or the signatures of the patients, by rotating the gems by electric motors or by radio cone vibrators. The rays travel to the person concerned wherever he is, with the velocity of light, and envelope him so long as the electric motors or the cone vibrators are kept moving. The process of healing is thus affected. The scientific proof of this is explained as under: take a prism. See the white light or the Sun’s light through it. The white light will be refracted and will be seen as emerging in the form of beautiful rainbow colors. Now examine with the prism the gems representing the planets.

Gemstone Wearing and Installing Methodology

Placing the gemstone in close proximity to the place of sleeping or sitting has a greater effect. For example, placing a pyramid made of natural red jade gemstone in the South or Southwest direction of a dwelling activates the Muladhara Chakra. Parad, Lapis Lazuli, and Sphatik in the North direction give positivity, creativity, and spirituality.

Gemstone when placed on the body gives more effect to the wearer. It is better to wear a gemstone along with the planetary metal as per an individual native chart. For example, wearing a ruby ring made of gold can be worn on the ring finger to attain name, fame, and success. Wearing the same colored clothing or sympathetic colors as the gemstone enhances its effect. Wearing a gemstone on the skin also aids in opening the blocked Chakras in the body through color therapy.

Thyroid-Yellow Sapphire 

• Athol, Cat., eye 

• Diabetes Ruby 

• Blood pressure- Emerald 

• Migraine- MR Sapphire 

• Sinus- Blue Sapphire 

• Fedility Issues-Pearl 

Some Gemstones and their Healing Properties 

  • Amethyst Enhances spiritual awakening.
  • Aquamarine Clears the mind and balances emotions. 
  • Cats' Eye Enhances stability, willpower, courage, and wisdom.
  • Coral strengthens one, foundation.
  • Diamond Increases desire fulfillment. 
  • Emerald is useful for both physical and emotional healing.
  • Jade Creates a feeling of relaxation and calm and thus reduces tension. 
  • Lapis Good for establishing a connection between the head and the mind. 
  • Black onyx Helps to change bad habits.
  • Opal Broadens one's perspectives, enabling one to see all the possibilities in a situation.
  • Ruby Gives emotional balance and enables us to express our emotions better as well as soothes them.
  • Sapphire Provides mental clarity.